Swimmer's Skincare Tips For The Summer - How to Keep Your Skin Safe from Sun Damage While Swimming

Summers are right around the corner and finally, we get to say goodbye to endless layering and a marathon of hot chocolates (our waistline is slyly smiling at us!) 

One of the coolest endowments of the summer season is that you get to slip into your favourite swimsuit and go for a nice and refreshing swim in a pool or even at the beach. The cherry on the cake is that it is a great way to shed some extra pounds as well!

We are already dreaming about spending a lazy summer evening by the pool with a cold glass of lemonade in our hands! But let's snap out of this dreamland for a bit and acquaint ourselves with the importance of skin care during swimming. 

We shall also touch upon some effective ways that shall elucidate the best skin care for swimmers. 

Skincare Tips For Swimmers In Summer

Skincare tips


Skincare is a fundamental practice that helps you in safeguarding and augmenting your overall skin health. Given the aggressive nature of external stimulants, it has become absolutely imperative to pay articulate attention to your skincare in order to enjoy a seamless and radiant complexion. 

When we talk about swimming, we cannot avoid talking about chlorine. Chlorine is responsible for keeping our pools tidy and germ-free for us, but the havoc it wreaks on our skin and hair cannot be discounted. 

But don't worry, we aren't here to intimidate you with the damage that can be caused but, to help you pin down effective solutions. 

Skin Care Before Swimming

Skincare before swimming


To begin with, let's talk about pre-swimming skin care for swimmers;

  • Don't forget the pre-swim rinse 

It is a good idea to take a shower before you plan to get in the pool. You can begin your pre-swimming skincare after you take a bath. 

  • Moisturise 

Extra moisturisation can go a long way in creating a barrier between your skin and chlorine. The idea is to empower your skin to prevent the onset of any kind of skin irritation or redness that might get triggered by chlorine. Moreover, dry skin is more receptive to the absorption of chlorinated water. 

  • Sunscreen 

This is the cardinal rule that you need to follow before stepping out of your homes in summer. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on your face, at least thirty minutes before stepping out. Rub the cream generously onto your arms, legs and other exposed areas of your body as well. Allow the product to properly permeate your skin before applying anything else on your face. Just as a reminder to do this, we would like you to think about those tanning streaks that we used to get as kids, on our face and bodies after swimming. Not a good sight right? So, don't skip the sunscreen, ever. You can use Revlon sunscreen.

  • Lip care 

It is advisable to always apply a lip balm before you go for your swim. This will prevent your lips from getting chapped or cracked. 

  • Don't forget your shower cap 

While going into the pool, don't forget to protect your hair as well. Invest in a good swimming cap to ensure that your hair doesn't come in contact with chlorinated water. People with coloured hair need to be extra careful about protecting their hair while swimming. 

Now let's talk about: 

Skin Care After Swimming

Skincare after swimming
  • Take a shower 

Don't let chlorine stay on your body for too long. The pH level of water can cause your skin to feel right and dry after swimming. This problem can be solved by taking a shower and using a body cleanser and a face wash to rid yourself of chlorine and other impurities. 

  • Wash your hair 

It is generally recommended that you wash your hair with a gentle hair shampoo after your swim. This will clean your scalp and avoid any chlorine buildup in your hair. 

  • Dry yourself 

We can completely relate to the desire to lay around on a towel after your swim. But don't give in to that temptation! Dry yourself with a towel after taking a shower. If you allow your skin to air dry after a swim, it might cause more dryness. 

  • Moisturisation 

Keep the moisturiser coming. After applying your sunscreen, layer your face and body with a good hydrating moisturiser. This will enrich your skin to feel relaxed, refreshed and supple.

  • Grab the sunscreen 

You are tempted to lie down in the sun but let's not forget the sunscreen. 

Apply a generous amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen on your face and body. Allow your skin to absorb the product properly. 


Swimming is a great way to unwind and relax with your friends and family. With a little care and caution, you can allow your skin and hair to enjoy swimming as well. After all, why should they pay the price for your merriment? Just keep the aforementioned points in mind and you are sorted for swimming in summer. 


Q1. How do I protect my face from chlorine when swimming?

A: As mentioned above, you can wash your face properly before and after a swim. Furthermore, never step in the pool without applying sunscreen and your moisturiser. 

Follow your usual skincare routine after your post-swim shower. 

Q2. Can we apply coconut oil before swimming?

A: Yes. Essential oil such as coconut oil can work wonders for creating a barrier between your skin and chlorine. You can opt for coconut oil instead of a moisturiser if you want. Don't forget to massage coconut oil on your legs, back, arms etc., before getting in the pool.